Winner Announcement - Turn It Up To 11 MKAL

Well - my trip to Scotland was awesome but not quite as awesome as coming home and seeing how many of you finished your socks. 33 of you amazing KAL'ers finished and posted pictures of your socks. I'm absolutely blown away and am so glad you seemed to have such a good time with it. I feel like I have a longer list of folks on my "friends" list, even though I may never meet any of you. Thanks for taking this journey and making socks with me.

Ok, so let's get down to the winning! I have 4 prizes to give away to our winners. These winners were chosen randomly with a Random Number Generator online and associated with a list I compiled. I did my best to keep it in order of submission. You can see the list in the Discussion Board. I was able to add one final name to that list last night.

So, without further ado, and simply in the order in which the Random Number Generator spat out numbers, our first prize, a skein of "Barbie Girl" from Black Market Wool, goes to... *mental drum roll*...

@thathookerjess (A FIRST TIME SOCK KNITTER!!!!!!)
Here are her finished socks (her first ever hand-knit socks... knit anything if I'm correct...)

And here's what she's gonna get in the mail lickety split!

Moving right along, our second prize, a free pattern from Knitsomniac Designs goes to... duh da da duuuuuuuuuuh: @hnd_kntra!!! Here's a picture of her oh-so-pretty socks in the "Sensible Heart" colorway (yep, she was a kit-owner too... lucky duck!). 

Our third prize ALSO goes to a kit owner (remember, random generation here, folks), the lovely @aclui and here are her socks in the "Knit Me Up, Buttercup" colorway: 
She'll be getting her very own hand-crafted project bag from an other SoCal'er, Sarahinajar (same name on Instagram). Woot! 

And last but certainly not least, our final prize, a free pattern of the winners choice from MY Ravelry Store, The Unapologetic Knitter, is... KNITTERSUE123!!!! And here's a shot of her finished socky-goodness!

Thank you all, so much, for knitting along with me and working through all the dreaded MATHS to get such nice-fitting socks. I hope you'll continue forward knitting lots of socks that fit... or anything, really. The skills you learned here for taking gauge will translate to anything you make. 

Just as a heads up for those of you who DIDN'T get kits when we started (I know... they sold out in like 12 minutes or something), Rijel over at Black Market Wool, will be re-releasing these four colorways to the public this coming Saturday, June 21st. As a reminder, here they are: 


"Tweeter and the Monkeyman"

"Knit Me Up, Buttercup"

"Sensible Heart"

Please go support Rijel - not only are her colorways a ton of fun, but she is too. You can find her on Instagram and follow along with her knitting escapades and see her adorable FIANCÉE (woot!) and her ridiculously cute pupsters, Ella and Heimdal who are often patient (if not overly gracious) models of Rijel's knitwear. 

And speaking of Rijel, Black Market Wool has it's first anniversary coming up. She's got an exclusive colorway being released to celebrate, which will come in a kit with a sock pattern designed by... well... by me! I'm pretty excited about it. The colorway is "Like Nigel but with an R" and the pattern is "Chevron Schmevron". This pattern will be exclusive to the kit until July 25th so if you want the pattern you'll have to snag the kit (and accompanying yarn of awesomeness). 

Ok, enough bragging! 

I've had a request for instructions on adapting toe-up to top-down socks, or vice versa, and I'm not ignoring that request. It's something worth delving into and once I have some time to put together a good approach to this, I'll likely host another KAL to get those skills honed up. 

In the mean time, if you ever have questions about fit or adjustments, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm all legit now and have a proper email address so you can email with questions anytime to

And for all of our winners, please email me at this email address so I can either send you your winnings, or put you in touch with the person who will provide it for you. 

Thanks again, lovelies! Happy knitting!