WLSW: Refreshing Yarn

Happy Wednesday!

Have you ever been worried about the amount of yarn you use in a swatch and whether it will take away from your project yarn?

Fear no more!

In today’s episode of Knit Talk we’re taking a look at refreshing your yarn so you can use it again without it being all squiffly!

Watch this week’s episode here: https://youtu.be/rBZMMgfgZV0 or watch it below!

A Little Break… again!

I’m going to take a little break from the podcast for a few weeks. We’ve hit the ground running already this year and I can’t wait to get back to more chats with you in late February!

I have a knitting adventure awaiting me in Kenya and I can’t wait to share about it with you when I get back!

This will be one of the many places I have a chance to visit!

Do you want to learn something new?

If there is a knitting-related topic you’d like to learn more about, I invite you to head on over to my Knit Talk discussion form. You can submit questions or discussion topics you’d like to see in a future episodes of Knit Talk or you can request a technique tutorial!

Thank you so much for joining me each week!

With love and knitting,
