There and Back Again: This Knitters Journey

Sometimes words fail me. Like how to start this story. I always try to write my blog posts as if I'm having a conversation with you, but today I'm not sure where to start. So maybe I should just jump right into the middle and see where it takes us, shall we?

Late last year I transitioned from The Unapologetic Knitter to SocalMeaghan Knits. It seemed like the right move since all of my social media tags were "socalmeaghan"; unfortunately "unapologeticknitter" was too long. There was a huge disconnect between "socalmeaghan" the online presence and "The Unapologetic Knitter" the knitwear designer/teacher. So I went through the lengthy process of changing my website, changing my YouTube, changing Facebook, connecting with publishers of my work and letting them know about the change... and, of course, writing the obligatory blog post explaining the whole debacle. 

Now, here I am, humbly eating crow, and taking it all back! 

I changed my online presence for good reason. I had a wonderful following of incredible knitters who knew me, almost exclusively, as socalmeaghan. And, as someone who wants to see her tiny business grow, I did what was best for said business. THEN! My darling Hubband and I decided we wanted to move to Oregon. We were incredibly lucky and within 2 months of beginning the search, we found a job for said Hubband, and so our relocation began. And now, sadly, remaining "socalmeaghan" doesn't make sense. While SoCal will always have a special place in my heart - it's where I moved to from Canada to find love and happiness - it's time to look forward and continue the knitting journey independent of where I'm storing my stash. 

So... still chewing away on that interminable bird... let's usher in a new stage in my knitting journey, and hopefully the last stage on the naming scale: The Unapologetic Knitter is back, baby! But with a twist of humor!


Much work still needs to be done, so you'll slowly see me make changes to my Ravelry group, published patterns, etc. Please be patient... someone has to be and it's not going to be me! So I'm off to make these changes and hope they're for the better. As a thank you for sticking with me through all of this insanity, how about a sale on my patterns? 20% off at checkout on Ravelry using code "THEREANDBACK" until Friday, March 25th at 11:59pm PST. 

Happy knitting, my friends! May all your stitch counts be right!