New Patterns: Techno Trio & Dishcloths!

I think December is a manic month in any household. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other myriad of winter holidays, I feel like everyone goes JUUUUUUST a bit crazy! We're no exception here. Along with preparing the house for Christmas (decorations) and family visitors (cleaning!!!) I also get to prepare for my Dad's birthday, and my own. Well, I don't have to do much for my own birthday other than get mentally prepared for an exciting day. 

With all these preparations, and the desire to knit gifts for our friends and family, the need for QUICK knits is paramount. I think I've come up with a great collection to help accomplish just that: the Techno Trio

Winter Wanderland

The Details

Each of these patterns feature Blue Sky Alpaca 'Techno' yarn, a luxury blend of baby alpaca, silk and extra fine merino. All three designs use just 2 skeins of Techno yarn, and the Break Edge can be swapped and 2 hats can be made from 2 skeins (the tassel and line only uses 2 yards of yarn so you can have one white hat and one purple hat). 

The scarf and cowl are knit on 10.5 needles and can be knit in a day and the hat, knit on 8's, can also be done in a day. So there you go, three days, three gifts! 


Dad's Happy Birthday Dishcloths

My Dad is the dish-doer in the family and after receving this first set of hand-knit dishcloths a few years ago, they are on his birthday and Christmas wish lists every year. This year he gets super spoiled and gets 4 - and they're mostly manly. But most importantly they're double-sided with lots of texture for maximum scrub-ability! 

The the Mostly Manly Dishcloths on Ravelry for jut $1.50! One skein of Dishie yarn from Knit Picks will net 3 dishcloths.


MY happy birthday gift to you!

Using HAPPEEBIRTHDAE at checkout on Ravelry you can save 35% on all of my patterns (yep, even the Mostly Manly Dishcloths) from now until December 13th at 11:59pm PST. Go wild and get yourself a pattern (or three) and get those Christmas gifts checked off your list! 

Happy (holiday) knitting!!! 

See what I did there?